Inaugural Workshops in Greece, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Croatia and Slovenia
We have just completed activity A2.1: with our target group!
From January to March 2023 each partner organized 2 introductory workshops with the target groups of the project: hearing impaired as well as people who are relatives/friends of people with hearing impairments.
The Kick-off Workshops were organized digitally but also with the physical presence of about 10 participants in each partner country of the project: Greece, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Croatia and Slovenia!
Results from the Kick-off Workshops: The next steps of the Talking hands project
All partners had fruitful discussions during
the duration of our Inaugural Workshops!
From the discussions we can conclude that there is a great need for this project to develop an open and easy-to-use digital platform where participants can learn sign language according to their interests/needs. Also, the modules
Within the platform they will be designed based on the most popular sign language information, which will be useful for participants in situations of their daily life, work and play.
We are happy to see the progress of our project “Talking Hands” and would like to send a big thank you to all participants who dedicated their time to participate in the Kick-off Workshops!