What’s new?
- Video recording of lessons
- Completion of methodology guide
- International meeting in Stockholm 4-5 October 2023
Video recording of the lessons!
All partners are currently filming the 7 modules in their national sign language:
- Alphabet, numbers, calendar
- Family and friends
- First aid
- How to approach the deaf
- Leisure
- Let’s get to know each other
- Living at home
Below is an example from module 6 created by our Italian partners: PRISM
The plan is to showcase some of the partners’ videos during our international meeting in Stockholm, Sweden on October 4-5, 2023. We are full of curiosity to see the result!
The methodology guide of the project is complete!
The methodology guide presents an overview and overview of the socio-historical background of EU deaf culture, contributing to the valorisation and dissemination of the richness of their culture and linguistic heritage.
The guide also contains an analysis of the current situation in terms of the reality faced by the project’s target group in their daily life, based on field research carried out in six European countries, including Italy, Greece, Poland, Sweden, Croatia and Slovenia.
It also includes seven thematic courses in the sign language of each country of the partnership, as well as in international signs, and a video guide. The guide will serve as a scenario for when partners video the lessons!
International meeting in Stockholm 4-5 October 2023
Between 4 and 5 October the partners will meet in the Swedish capital, Stockholm! During the meeting the partners will discuss the evolution of the current tasks, the deliverables and especially the video recording of the courses. There will also be time to discuss upcoming tasks, as well as a short training visit to our project partner, Sensus, in Teckenspråk och Tillgänglighet.
The meeting will take place at the Sensus premises, where groups, participants and partners gather there for creation, culture, study and informal adult education. Our activities are aimed at social groups that often tend to end in exclusion.
See you in Stockholm!
Watch our meeting and project journey on our Facebook page