
Talking Hands Signs Contact

Transnational Project Meeting in Cagliari

First transnational kick off meeting is behind us!

We spent two working days in beautiful Cagliari (13. – 14. December 2022) discussing working packages within our project, setting deadlines and dividing tasks among partners.

We have a lot of work to do and we are so looking forward to it.

Big thanks to our Italian host, they have been amazing in organising our first live meeting!



Newsletter – Issue 1

Online platform for Learning Sign Language

Our project aims to develop an open and flexible online platform for everyone interested in learning basic elements of sign language.

Even more exciting news is that it aims to develop sing language lessons not only for one, but for 6 different national sign languages, plus International Sign.

General info about the project:

Grant agreement no: 2022-IT02-KA220-ADU-000088507

Start date: 01/10/2022

End date: 30/09/2024

Duration of the project: 24 months

The project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

Pre- kick-off meeting

We are so happy to announce the start of our project “Talking Hands”!

We held a first Pre-Kick off meeting with all the partners on November 1st via Zoom.

First transnational kick off meeting is behind us!

We spent two working days in beautiful Cagliari (13-14, December 2022) discussing working packages, withing our project, setting deadlines and diving tasks among partners.

We have a lot of work to do and we are so looking forward to it.

Big thanks to our Italian host, they have been amazing in organising our first live meeting!


Newsletter – Issue 2

Inaugural Workshops in Greece, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Croatia and Slovenia

We have just completed activity A2.1: with our target group!

From January to March 2023 each partner organized 2 introductory workshops with the target groups of the project: hearing impaired as well as people who are relatives/friends of people with hearing impairments.

The Kick-off Workshops were organized digitally but also with the physical presence of about 10 participants in each partner country of the project: Greece, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Croatia and Slovenia!

Results from the Kick-off Workshops: The next steps of the Talking hands project

All partners had fruitful discussions during
the duration of our Inaugural Workshops!

From the discussions we can conclude that there is a great need for this project to develop an open and easy-to-use digital platform where participants can learn sign language according to their interests/needs. Also, the modules
Within the platform they will be designed based on the most popular sign language information, which will be useful for participants in situations of their daily life, work and play.

We are happy to see the progress of our project “Talking Hands” and would like to send a big thank you to all participants who dedicated their time to participate in the Kick-off Workshops!


Newsletter – Issue 3

What’s new?

  • Video recording of lessons
  • Completion of methodology guide
  • International meeting in Stockholm 4-5 October 2023

Video recording of the lessons!

All partners are currently filming the 7 modules in their national sign language:

  1. Alphabet, numbers, calendar
  2. Family and friends
  3. First aid
  4. How to approach the deaf
  5. Leisure
  6. Let’s get to know each other
  7. Living at home

Below is an example from module 6 created by our Italian partners: PRISM

The plan is to showcase some of the partners’ videos during our international meeting in Stockholm, Sweden on October 4-5, 2023. We are full of curiosity to see the result!

The methodology guide of the project is complete!

The methodology guide presents an overview and overview of the socio-historical background of EU deaf culture, contributing to the valorisation and dissemination of the richness of their culture and linguistic heritage.

The guide also contains an analysis of the current situation in terms of the reality faced by the project’s target group in their daily life, based on field research carried out in six European countries, including Italy, Greece, Poland, Sweden, Croatia and Slovenia.

It also includes seven thematic courses in the sign language of each country of the partnership, as well as in international signs, and a video guide. The guide will serve as a scenario for when partners video the lessons!

International meeting in Stockholm 4-5 October 2023

Between 4 and 5 October the partners will meet in the Swedish capital, Stockholm! During the meeting the partners will discuss the evolution of the current tasks, the deliverables and especially the video recording of the courses. There will also be time to discuss upcoming tasks, as well as a short training visit to our project partner, Sensus, in Teckenspråk och Tillgänglighet.

The meeting will take place at the Sensus premises, where groups, participants and partners gather there for creation, culture, study and informal adult education. Our activities are aimed at social groups that often tend to end in exclusion.

See you in Stockholm!

Watch our meeting and project journey on our Facebook page


Transnational Project Meeting in Stockholm

Transnational Project Meeting in Stockholm: In early October, we wrapped up the 2nd transnational meeting for the European project Talking Hands , uniting seven partners from six different countries.  During this gathering, we dove deep into the project’s progress, with a special focus on the web platform that will soon host sign language learning videos for beginners.

Our mission is simple but powerful: to develop and promote online sign language courses, making them accessible to  relatives, friends, and colleagues of deaf individuals, as well as  everyone interested in learning the basics of sign language.

Join us in bridging the communication gap and embracing the beauty of sign language together!

Stay updated on our project’s progress by following our page: https://www.linkedin.com/…/talking-hands-open-platforme/

Let’s make a positive impact and empower others through the universal language of signs!


Newsletter – Issue 4

Talking hands youtube channel!

Welcome to Talking hands youtube channel!

After months of working with the final script, recording and editing of the material we can finally present you to our YouTube channel with the video content for our 7 learing modules.

The videos on YouTube are in 6 different languages, each has its specific playlist: Greek, Polish, Croatian,
Italian, Slovenian and Swedish. The playlist consist of material from our 7 learning modules. Each module has a specific theme and focus, for example leisure time, alphabet etc.

You either start from the beginning with module 1, video 1.1 and work your way towards module 7 or in different order, depending on what and how you want to learn. The structure of each module is:

• Vocabulary, learn the necessary words, phrases
• Video lesson, practice together the word, sentences,
• Assessment test and
• Assessment text production

Feel free to explore our YouTube channel and learn sign language wherever you are! Together we build the European sign language culture stronger!




Newsletter – Issue 5

Online learning platform for learning sign language – soon to be launched!

Soon the projects Open Online Platform for Learning the Sign Language will be launched!

Learn sign language in Italian, Croatian, Polish, Slovenian, Swedish and Greek for free!

The open online platform is structured in: vocabulary, video lesson and assessment test and grammar !The videos are the same as you can find on your youtube channel.

Welcome to explore the sign language culture with us!


Newsletter – Issue 6

Latest News!

Technical and Content Testing of the Platform

Upcoming partner meeting in Zagreb, Croatia, in July 2024

Technical and Content Testing of the Platform

Our Slovenian partner: University rehabilitation institute, Republic of Slovenia has completed the technical and content survey. We invite you to explore our online. Learning platform, and then provide your feedback by filling out the Content and Technical survey.

Newsletter Issue 6


Newsletter – Issue 7

Final Testing Phase for Talking Hands Platform: Free Access Coming Soon

All project partners within the EU+ project Talking Hands are currently conducting the necessary testing with their target groups – both sign language stakeholders and IT experts. After the testing phase, the platform will be finalized and made freely available to everyone interested.


Next partner meeting in Zagreb, Croatia, July 2024

All project partners recently convened for a successful final meeting in Zagreb, Croatia. During this meeting, we thoroughly reviewed the project deliverables and discussed upcoming activities. All partners agreed that this has been a highly fruitful project, and there is strong interest in exploring further development through future collaborations.